Export/Import Formats
I've been using your app for years, I've code a fully compatible C# version of it and I'm pretty happy with it.
There just one thing that I do not get. Why do different versions (in my case Android vs Desktop) use different export/import formats?
I want to transfer my desktop sites (90% of my usage) to my phone (occasional usage). Now I've got to write a translator. Why use a different JSON layout on both (and I assume, other) versions?!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 14 Sep, 2021 02:53 AM
The answer would be since the Android all you’re using isn’t official and a clone maintained by someone else. I suggest that you contact them to see why they’re not using the official format. :-)
2 Posted by Bob on 14 Sep, 2021 07:54 AM
Damn. You're telling me I download the wrong app ... ?!
Yeah, those app stores suuuck :/ Lesson learned. Thx!
3 Posted by Bob on 14 Sep, 2021 08:02 AM
Aw. But on the other hand your own app cannot store anything? :/
Then how about creating an import function for said JSON files :D