Keep in Sync between iOS, IpadOS, macOS, Windows10
I have a lot of passwords. I have been using 1Password from the beginning. I work on all platforms mentioned. I can't find an easy to use sync function with the master password. Synchronizing via email is a nogo. Is there an automatic sync mechanism?
best regards JA
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1 Posted by Fellow User on 30 May, 2020 08:11 AM
Maybe you could test out syncthing which is able to synchronise files between systems automatically.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 30 May, 2020 12:15 PM
The goal of Master Password is not to store your many passwords and keep your devices in sync. There are better apps out there if this is what you'd like to do.
The goal of Master Password is to remove the need for any syncing by not storing but generating your passwords deterministically and on-demand. That way, looking up a password on a new device doesn't rely on having to sync your existing devices into it - you just enter the name of the site and the new password is already there.