Will I Ioose everything on service shut down?
I like you app. But what happens, if you suddenly decide (or have to) shut down your service? Will I loose all my generated passwords? Further, should I better have a backup then?
Thx Oliver
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 21 Apr, 2020 01:31 PM
Hi Oliver,
First, it's important to note I don't provide a service. I provide an app. Why is this distinction important? A service is something that is only available when the service provider keeps it running (like, a website). An application is available even after the creator disappears (for example, consider all those old DOS games we can still play, long after their companies have disappeared).
Secondly, deliberate steps were made to empower the people. Master Password is open-source (which means you have everything you need to make your own version of it), the algorithm itself is fully documented (which means you could create yourself an app that creates the same passwords, from scratch). Finally, the export files are intentionally in a clear format so that you can save them for re-use later, even put your passwords in them if you want to be able to have a printed hard-copy (don't recommend).
It's always good to have a secure export file handy, maybe every few months you could email one to yourself. The file should be safe, any secrets in it will be encrypted, unless you choose to make a clear-text export file (eg. for printing).
2 Posted by Oliver on 21 Apr, 2020 07:48 PM
Hi Maarten,
Thanks for the good explanation! This helps a lot. My only worry would be that when iOS is upgraded some apps won’t work anymore. But if I can regularly safe secure export files, this would be an option for me.
BR Oliver