syncing and importing between iphone and mac
how do i keep the passwords synced between my iphone and mac?
how do i import passwords to my iphone?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 10 Apr, 2020 12:46 PM
It's a tempting question to ask because of our experience with how other password apps work, but the truth is, it's probably the wrong question for Master Password.
"How can I get my password for X on my iPhone?" "You just open Master Password on your iPhone and look up X."
Unless you're using saved passwords (which you should avoid as much as possible), there really is no need to "import" passwords, just like there is no need to "import" the answer to "what is 5 + 5" on a brand new calculator. It already just knows, no import from your old calculator needed. Just ask the question. Any password you need, just look it up.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 10 Apr, 2020 12:47 PM
That said - you can create an export file on one app and then send it to another app. That will create a file that knows all of the sites you've used in the app, in the past. But the core idea of Master Password is that you shouldn't need a backup file or anything in order to get to your passwords on a new device. Just look them up.