All Passwords gone atet iOS 8 update
In really trusted the Masterpassword App, but after i updated my iPhone to iOS8 all my Passwords are gone! Please help!!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 18 Sep, 2014 08:25 PM
Hey Florian,
First of all, if your user or passwords are gone, you should be able to just recreate them. Add your user back, the site name you want a password for, and the password should be right there.
Were you using iCloud before?
2 Posted by Andreas Funke on 22 Oct, 2014 03:49 PM
Dear Maarten,
what do you do if your phone lost your user completely and you do not remember the exact data you entered to create the password?
Support Staff 3 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 22 Oct, 2014 04:23 PM
If you really can't recall the name you used for your site, you'll have to reset the site's password using its forgot password function.
This is why we recommend you use a standard naming system for all your sites: the site's bare domain name; eg., Keep it lower-case, don't include subdomains such as www or store, etc. Keep in mind: Master Password is there to help you when you somehow lose everything, but it cannot do so if you can't recall your:
1. Own name
2. Own master password
3. Name you used for your site.
So when using Master Password, always keep in mind that the names you chose need to be something you can remember. If you use the site name in the browser's URL bar, that's easy and you won't have to worry about forgetting it; but don't include extra things that the site can change later on, such as the subdomain or the part after the domain name.
Maarten Billemont closed this discussion on 22 Oct, 2014 04:23 PM.