Passwords disapeared
For three weeks passwords have been disappearing from my IOS app. There is no specific reason for this, because I didn't delete them myself. Such an error, with a password app that should keep passwords safe, is like a paradox! I wonder how it can come to such a bug at all... Anyone else with the same problem with the IOS app?
If one of my passwords still disappears into nothing I will delete the app completely...
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Avonlea on 19 Jun, 2019 05:33 PM
Hey HashCat!
We've been exploring why this might be happening but can't come up with a satisfactory cause - it might be worth a try to uninstall and reinstall the app to see if that fixes it. You would lose your current site list but as long as you enter the same information as you have on your current installation the app will generate all the same passwords. Let us know if you decide to give that a try and the problem persists!
Avonlea closed this discussion on 19 Jun, 2019 05:33 PM.