macOS version resets when trying to change password type
first let me say that I really like your app and the idea behind it. Chances are high, that I will get rid of my password manager and completely rely on your solution in the near future.
Unfortunately I ran into a problem on my Mac. Running macOS 10.14.2 (18C54) at the time, I cannot change the passwort type without the app resetting to the point where it asks for the site, without showing me the other password. It doesn't matter which type I choose oder if I cancel out. The site entry gets a reset to blank.
Hope you find the cause of this problem soon, so I can start using it on my Mac too via app. If you need any additional information, let me know and I will provide them.
Kind regards,
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1 Posted by Pan on 10 Feb, 2019 07:07 PM
I have the same problem. Very annoying...
2 Posted by Rishal Raj on 27 Feb, 2019 05:24 PM
I have the same issue. The issue seems to be turning up irrespective of website or type as mentioned.
3 Posted by Savvy on 20 May, 2019 12:30 PM
Same problem here, on Mac OS 10.14.4 :/ App still resets everytime I try to choose a different password type. Really wish this would be fixed, I really wanna use this on my Mac...
Support Staff 4 Posted by Avonlea on 20 Jun, 2019 03:17 AM
Hi all!
We've been trying to reproduce this issue on OS 10.13 thru 10.14.5 but can't seem to figure out why this would be happening.
It might be an issue with your specific preferences settings (ie. If you have selected Remember Password, Hide Passwords, etc.) - could be worth creating a second dummy user profile to see if the issue persists outside of your current account settings. If it does, it might help us to get a little more information from you - specifically:
Did you download the app via the App Store or direct from our website?
Is this issue happening regardless of what type of password template you select (ie. PIN, Basic, Personal, etc)?
If you can provide screenshots of this issue that would also be helpful - but if you do that please make sure to create a dummy user profile so that none of your personal information/sites are included in the screen shots.