masterpassword deleted from computer
i turned on my computer this morning and found the master password application had dissapeared along with all passwords, i had made a copy of the passwords so reinstalled and now back up again. However does this look like my account got hacked, should i chnage all passwords again. I just changed all the password sa nd it took several houyrs....
please advise.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 23 Nov, 2018 04:03 PM
If you are worried the computer on which you were using Master Password was compromised, the best advice is to change your master password. The effect of this is that all your site passwords will also change. This is to protect you and ensure that anything that was stolen becomes useless to a hacker. You will need to reset your site passwords through the sites' reset account mechanism, likely relying on your email address, so ensure you have access to that and change its password first.
Don't do this before you have ensured your computer is safe and trustworthy again.