Dropped Passwords - iOS11
I've been having trouble with dropped passwords, I'll log into my app and see missing passwords. fortunately, I'm able to regenerate them... but this is a major inconvenience.
I see a repeated warning in the logbook that says "MPasswordCell.m:553 WRN | Could not load cell content: key unavailable"
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 18 Oct, 2017 07:35 PM
Can you establish a set of steps to reproduce the issue? Is there anything in the log above those warnings?
2 Posted by David Crean on 18 Oct, 2017 08:23 PM
No clear repro steps unfortunately, sometimes I just open the app and there are password missing. After an iOS update this morning, I haven't lost any passwords and the warning is gone from my log.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 18 Oct, 2017 08:24 PM
Are the sites themselves missing or do their passwords just not show up? Do missing sites come back by themselves?
4 Posted by David Crean on 18 Oct, 2017 08:29 PM
The sites are missing completely, they do not come back on their own I have
to recreate them.
5 Posted by grey on 18 Feb, 2018 09:43 PM
I've also endured permanent password loss. Unfortunately, not only generated ones but also one of Device Private passwords went missing.
I noticed it twice already, but no clear steps to reproduce. All I got was repeated "Could not load cell content: key unavailable" warn similar to David's present in logbook.
Support Staff 6 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 19 Feb, 2018 04:33 PM
Unfortunately I've been completely unable to reproduce these issues thus far. If your passwords are getting lost often, that means there's definitely something in your usage / situational pattern that's enabling this bug which is missing from mine. All I can recommend at this stage is to make an export when you make a significant change (such as saving personal passwords) and trying really hard as soon as the issue recurs to see if you can establish what about your recent past might have triggered it. Sadly, the logs only record the current application run, not previous, meaning we only see the result of the corruption, not the cause.
7 Posted by Nicholas Carman on 27 Feb, 2018 08:45 PM
I'm having this problem too. I don't get any error messages at all. When I go to use a password it has simply disappeared completely & I have to re-create it again. This has happened at least three times over the last couple of months. It's a bit maddening.
8 Posted by Mike on 02 Mar, 2018 10:52 PM
i expereince this too. Get no warning, just some passwords just disappear, but not all of them.
9 Posted by Matt on 24 Apr, 2018 11:42 AM
I got also the same issue. I almost locked myself out, fortunately I exported some passwords the last time this happend.
Sometimes after reopening the list is empty, when I close the application and reopen it, some entries re-appear. I'm using the app with the fingerprint authentication.
Please fix this, can't afford to lose accounts because of this. Thanks!
Support Staff 10 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 24 Apr, 2018 12:29 PM
Hi Matt,
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
I just wanted to drop in and mention that generated passwords can’t be lost. If you recreate your user as I mentioned above, they should re-appear.
If you’re using the app for hybrid (personal) passwords, I can only recommend you try to move away from these as MP was designed specifically for use of loss-resistant generated passwords.
Of course, as soon as I’m able to isolate a cause for this, I’ll be addressing it ASAP.
-- Maarten Billemont (lhunath)
http://lhunath.com - http://lyndir.com