Android generates different password
Super awesome application this one, well done developer :))
I've been using the web app, Java desktop, and Android. I understand the first and third are currently Beta. What I've found is the web and Java are consistently displaying the correct password, unfortunately, the Android app doesn't. I've tried each password six times and it's consistently incorrect.
Obviously I don't want to give personal information, but hopefully these items help figure it out:
- My password is the password provided in this post (which hopefully is not displayed!)
- The name, key password, and website, including any capitalisations, hidden spaces, etc have been checked and are consistent across all 3 apps
- Some sites include www and others are bare. The same issue
- Counter: 1
- V:3
- Pass type: Max/GeneratedMaximum
- My key password: obviously I won't enter it here, however, it's 22 characters long consisting of alpha, numeric, special chars
About my device:
- Android MIUI 7.0 Stable
- Android version 5.0.2 LRX22G
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 2
I've noticed a couple of niggly bugs and improvements that I'd like to suggest. I'll try find the appropriate place for them.
Well done team. This is a good idea and saves reliance of copying files between devices or relying on server uptime.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 11 May, 2016 02:37 PM
Can you try the "Integrity Tests" button at the bottom?
If the tests fail, try unchecking the "Use native key derivation" field.
2 Posted by Mr Wiggles on 14 May, 2016 03:09 PM
I'll try in a few weeks. I dropped my 'phone down a mountain, and currently using Android 2 on a Motorola Milestone 2. Saving the pennies.
3 Posted by Rui on 09 Jun, 2016 03:00 PM
Really great program, congratulations!
My phone is an OnePlus 2 and I'm also having the same issue, disabling "Native Key Derivation" did the trick, but now it takes ages to generate a password.
Does this mean the cpu crypto instructions are some how compromised or any problem with the underlying TPA architecture?
Both phones reported here are from Chinese manufacturers.
Support Staff 4 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 09 Jun, 2016 03:02 PM
It's a bug with the native scrypt library. I haven't found time to look into it; but I will.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 09 Jun, 2016 03:04 PM
Maarten Billemont closed this discussion on 09 Jun, 2016 03:04 PM.