algorathym change?
Hello. I have this program on several computers and normally run the web(beta) part. I just bought a surface and now it is generating different passwords. I have typed and retyped the master password and full name in numerous times and I am using the Long passwords. Has anything changed? Thank you.
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1 Posted by raimund on 23 Jan, 2016 12:02 PM
Hi. I have the same problem. I'm using Master Password on three different devices. And i get three different passwords.
I tried a test with user "New Test User" and "new test user password". Results:
1. Desktop, Windows 7, Web-version of Master Password: Jifn3*NalzSemi
2. Smartphone Samsung S5 Neo, Android 5.1.1: RifaHofmDofn9.
3. Tablet Samsung Note 10.1, Android 5.1.1: RIFAHOFMDOFN9.
I'm sure I entered the correct Master Password in each case.
2 Posted by brian george on 23 Jan, 2016 01:49 PM
I found out that I had to use chrome on every device to get the same passwords. WHY!!!!
Brian S. GeorgePharmD Candidate 2017Belmont University College of Pharmacy [email blocked] [email blocked] 615.818.7059615.434.5858
Sent on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5