widnows/unix vs mac discrepancy
Hello guys,
whenever I use Umlauts (äüö) i get different passwords depending on the OS. On windows, android and unix, I get the kind I've been using so far, using the apps or the browser version. On mac, however, I get different passwords in the app (appstore) as well as in the browser version.
When I do not use umlauts, the passwords are the same.
what is wrong here? it seems to me, the mac umlaut is different then everywhere else. I did also try copy/pasting the letter from an email, which I typed on my android, but that didn't help either. Below are two example cases.
Thanks for your support!
username: ü
masterpassword: a
site: b
algorithm: V3
-> password on windows/unix: LorfYanxZixe9.
-> password on mac: Mixu7=QipeCema
username: a
masterpassword: b
site: c
-> passwords are equal: ZesdVonm8?Doha
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 02 Nov, 2015 03:04 PM
Hi Ole,
Mac is currently still on V2. It will be updated shortly, there are a few UI bugs holding up the update on the store. For now, either use V2 passwords on the other apps or use the Java desktop client or C cli app on your Mac.
Maarten Billemont closed this discussion on 02 Nov, 2015 03:04 PM.