IOS Update, App reset
Hi Maarten, it's me again ;-( but with a different subject.
I used the IOS App for the last 8 weeks and it work great. Today I updated to the newest version from App Store and it deleted my username and all the sites! Why? and is there any way I can get that back? Maybe via my Mac?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maarten Billemo... on 24 Oct, 2014 03:55 PM
Hey Malte,
The recent update of Master Password unfortunately contained a serious bug that caused some people to lose their user. In response, I temporarily removed the application from the store to prevent others from getting affected. A new version has since been uploaded, but those who were initially affected needed to have their broken data store recreated again. It turns out you were affected; you deserve my most sincere apologies.
If you're using Master Password for Mac, that should make recovery a lot easier: Just create an export file on the Mac, email it to yourself, and open the attachment via your iPhone's Mail app. Alternatively, use Dropbox, Box, Drive, or similar third-party apps to open the export file from your iPhone. This should give you the option to open it with Master Password, at which point your sites should get imported.
If you don't have the Mac app or for those sites that you haven't added there: Thankfully, disaster situations are exactly what Master Password was intended to protect you against. Even if we cannot resurrect some of your sites, we can resurrect their passwords. If you haven't already, just recreate your user using the exact same name as before, the same master password and add your sites back to it with the same site names you used prior. Master Password will then give you your old passwords back for those sites. There should be no need to reset all your passwords.
Again, my sincere apologies for the trouble this has caused you. Let me know if you're having trouble with any of this.
Maarten Billemont closed this discussion on 24 Oct, 2014 03:55 PM.